Tuesday, July 20, 2010

San Francisco, California to Elko, Nevada

Not much to report today. We all felt like truck drivers. We drove all day and there wasn't much to see, so the boys decided to fight instead. They drove us nuts. We started with breakfast at the Hampton Inn in San Francisco. We were in the van by 9:15AM. It was too foggy to visit the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday so we waited until today. Well, it was even foggier this morning...so no Golden Gate Bridge photos this vacation. Traffic out of town wasn't too bad and we made good time. The views through the Donner Pass that John had been looking forward to were marred by construction. We didn't get to enjoy the view because of all the orange barrels. We even missed a photo at the Nevada border, so hopefully we'll get one at the Nevada/Utah border tomorrow. Our only stops were for lunch, snacks and gas. That left plenty of time for Joshua to kick Justin and Justin to poke Joshua with a pencil. We finally made it to Elko, Nevada after 8 hours on the road. We're at a Comfort Inn tonight surrounded by casinos and other motels. Sadly, we learned immediately that we were NOT the guests of the day as we were at the Hampton Inn. Bummer. After checking in and hauling all of our luggage up to the second floor (no elevator) we had dinner at a place called Machi's in downtown Elko. It was O.K., nothing too special. We skipped the pool due to the aformentioned lousy behavior and are headed to an early bed. Tomorrow looks to be just as boring, so hopefully we can find someplace cool to stop at along the way so one of the boys doesn't end up in the E.R.

License Plates: Alabama, Alberta Canada

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