Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to Joshua!

What an interesting day. John started the day with a horrible migraine so he slept in late while Jennifer and the boys had breakfast at the hotel. We finally hit the road at 11:00AM and headed to California. We passed through the very-cool town of Flagstaff, Arizona then headed south to Phoenix. We've never been to Phoenix and didn't really know what to expect. What we found were giant cacti and temperatures over 115 degrees! It really was like an oven when we stepped out of the van to take pictures. Once to Phoenix we headed west through Yuma, Arizona and finally to California. It's always exciting when you hit the California border. We stopped for quick pictures (standing in the shade!) and pressed on. We saw some amazing things on the road to San Diego. We passed 2 Border Patrol checkpoints. They were looking for illegal aliens. They guards took one look at the whitebread in our minivan and waved us on. The terrain we passed by was incredible. From snow in the mountains, to sandy desert to red rocky mountains, we saw a little of everything. We finally pulled in to our motel in San Diego at around 7:00PM. Another Best Western. Very nice pool, the warmest yet. We had the thing to ourselves and swam for an hour. After Josh swallowed his 3rd gallon of pool water, we headed for an Olive Garden dinner. Everyone was tired so we crashed as soon as we got back to the hotel, but not before singing happy birthday to Joshua and opening a few presents.

License Plates: Massachusetts, New Jersey, Baja California Mexico

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